Police Department

Mount Carmel Borough Police Department
“Committed to our Community”

570-339-6020 & 570-339-0122

General Police E-mail [email protected]

The Mount Carmel Borough Police Department is a Professional full time Department located in Mount Carmel, PA, Northumberland County.

The Department employs 8 full time officers and 3 part time officers

We cover one square mile and provide mutual aid to area Police Departments.

In 2015 the Police Department handled approximately 4,211 calls for service and patrolled 38,984 miles.

The Police Department has a bike patrol that operates at varying times of the day and night and during special events within the Community.

Officer’s within the Department are very Community Policing oriented and conduct regular foot patrols within the business district. The benefit of foot patrols is that it allows our residents and guests an opportunity to interact with the members of the Police Department. Officer’s routinely are guest speakers at community functions and are active in the community. The Police Department participates in the yearly National Night Out which give the Officer’s within the Department a chance to interact with our residents and guests of the Borough.

The Police Department has recently gained equipment through a grant that allowed laptop computers to be placed in all of the Department vehicles. Having the laptops in the vehicles allows a more visible presence within the community and allows Officer’s to respond more efficiently to calls for service.

Members within the Police Department have received specialized training in Narcotics Investigations, Basic SWAT, Crime Scene Investigations and Processing, Less Lethal Devices, Arson Investigation as well as many others.